

내쇼날푸라스틱 새 역사를 창조하는 광경 1965년9월3일 씀
엔피씨주식회사는 50여년간 축적된 Know-How를 바탕으로 물류환경의 창조와 국민생활 수준 향상이라는 가치아래 신제품 개발과 최고의 품질로 효율적인 물류시스템 구축에 일익을 담당하고, 쾌적한 환경과 풍요로운 미래를 창조하여 기업의 사회적 역할과 책임을 다하고자 합니다.

National Plastic Co., Ltd. started its giand step at Busan in May 29th, 1965. Since then it has been a leader in general plastic application area in Korea.

At that time, in Korea, plastic gourds had made sensational boom and replaced traditional bottle gourds. Since then, we introduced and manufactured everyday house products such as plastic closed casings, thermal bottles, thermal lunchboxes, dry-ice boxes, garbage cans and drawers. With there products, we could improve the sanitation condition for Korean people and provided convenient kitchen products improving the living standrads of Koreans.

We contribute on comparative edges of Korea by helping standardized logistics system with our containers and pallets.

We bulit our Busan factory in 1965. Our Banwol factory, built in 1987, become the home of Korea's first 4,500ton injection molder in 1990. Also we opened Jungup factory, equipped with fully-automated injection molders(3,000ton). Therefore we could manufacture not only small domestic products but also containers, pallets, chairs and environment related products. Until 1990, Korea didn't have any standardized logistics system, so the comparative edge of entire country was in jeopardy. We contributed in improving this condition by providing containers and pallets to help standardization of logistics systems.

We plan to add additional two injection molders (2,500ton each) by June, 2006.

We have developed cheaper and more environment friendly on-way type plastic pallets to replace traditional wood pallets. Demands for these pallets increased dramatically, so we had to open Young Nam factory at Milyang, Gyeongsangnam-do in the year of 2003. This factory is equipped with two injection molders(4,000ton each). Also we had opened a factory in Chungwon, Chungcheongbuk-do, to satisfy increasing and potential demands. This factory is currently equipped with a injection molder (4,000ton) and will be addad with two additional injection molders(2,500ton each) by June, 2006.

"Better Products for Customer Satisfaction and Make them Impressed" that is our business philisophy.

National Plastic Co., Ltd will use its 50 years' of experience to make new products and ensure top qulities of those to do its role in buliding effective logistics system, improving living standards of people and creating new logistics environment. It will fulfill its duty by building enjoyable environment and fruitful future. We think that the life and growth of a company depends on its customers, so our business philosophy is "Better Products for Customer Satisfaction and Make them Impressed". We are trying to build creative and liberal cooperate culture. We want all emplyees work with pride and obtain higer living standard.

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3. 수집한 개인정보의 보유 및 이용기간

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명시된 기간 동안 보존합니다.

<관련 법령에 의한 정보보유 사유>

  • - 보존 기간 : 6개월(정보통신망 이용촉진 및

정보보호 등에 관한 법률 29조)

  • - 보존 이유 : 서비스 이용의 혼선방지

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